Monday, November 15, 2010

Extraction of DNA from Fresh Bone

Take a sample of nucleic acids like DNA from the bones to analyze gene expression in the search for somatic mutations in diseased tissues or other tumors, or to genotype archive material, when other sources of DNA are not available You can use a different kit that has been provided by biotechnology companies But if you want to extract a DNA sample from a large amount, you can use artificial methods, as described here to be cost effective

There are four procedures to ensure that the successful extraction of nucleic acids from the network:
1 disrupt the fabric so that the reagent for extraction can reach the cells

2 interference with the cell membrane so that the nucleic acids are released

3 nucleic acid separation from other cellular components

4 nucleic acid precipitation and volatilization

1 DNA extraction buffer: Add 176 mol of 075 M sodium citrate, pH 70, 264 mol 10% sodium laurel seriously, and 250 g of guanidine isothiocyanate in 293 ml of distilled water and stir well Add 72 micro liters lyses buffer beta-mercaptoethanol/mL day usage
All chemicals must be capable of molecular biology Solutions can be stored at 4oC for 3 months

2 05 M ETDA: Add 9305 g EDTA to 300 ml of distilled water and add 10 N Noah, pH 80 Bring up to 500 ml Autoclave

Tries-EDTA: Add 1 ml of 1 M Tries to 200 micro liters 05 M EDTA To 100 ml with distilled water

3 3 M sodium acetate, pH 52: Add 4018 g sodium acetate per 800 ml of distilled water Adjust pH to 51 with glacial acetic acid Bring to 1 L with distilled water Autoclave

4 General reagents: Tries-saturated phenol pH 78 to 80 (Sigma), chloroform, ethanol 100% isopropanol

1 Collect samples of bone in a sterile container containing buffered saline (PBS) and transport to the laboratory within 1-2 h
If DNA extraction is not started immediately, freeze the samples at-20oC or below for later use

2 Place bones in a clean glass dish plate With bone cutters or sharp scissors strong, isolated piece of bone about 1 cm3, and transfer it to bijoux 5 ml clean

3 Add 1 mol DNA extraction buffer and homogenize the tissue with scissors until a solution is obtained in mud

4 Transfer 500 micro liters spare screw cap conical mud in 15 mol Expender tubes

5 Add a volume of Tries-saturated phenol, followed by the volume of chloroform per tube Mix by inverting the tube several times or agitation Do not vortex, as long grooves cause the vortex-mixing of DNA cutting

6 Centrifuge tubes at 10 000 g for 20 minutes to separate phases

7 Transfer to the upper layer of fresh centrifuge tube (with respect to volume), taking care not to disturb the layer of milk on the interface Repeat steps 5-7 if the interface is disturbed

8 Add a volume of cold isopropanol and 01 volume of 3 M sodium acetate to the supernatant Stir well and let stand for 15 minutes on the ice

9 Centrifuge tubes at 10 000 g for 20 minutes to pellet DNA
East Expender tube to identify where is the DNA pellet Pellets will be visible at the bottom of the tube

10 Aspirate and discard supernatant, being careful not to disturb the sediment Wash the sample with 175 ml ice-cold ethanol and centrifuged at 10 000 g for 5 minutes Aspirate and discard supernatant and repeat wash

11 Dissolve the DNA pellet 10-50 micro liters of water or Tries-EDTA (you can pool the DNA from the sample at this stage) and measured by spectrophotometer or with Hoechst 33 258
Hoechst 33 258 is a DNA-specific dye that can be used to measure DNA

12 Store samples frozen at-20oC or lower 

DNA Double Helix

DNA macromolecules is a normal double helix Two polynucleotide chains, held together by weak thermodynamic forces, form the DNA molecule

Characteristics of the DNA double Helix

* Two strands of DNA forming a helical spiral, winding around the helix axis spiral right
* The two polynucleotide chains running in opposite directions
* The sugar-phosphate backbone of the two DNA strands wind around the helix as a fence line spiral stairs
* The bases of nucleotides in particular helix, stacked one above the other as staircases, spiral staircases

DNA Helix Axis

Helix axis is most obvious to look directly at the axis sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the spiral where the polar phosphate groups (red and yellow atoms) can interact with the polar environment Nitrogen (blue atoms) containing the base inside, stacking perpendicular to the propeller 

DNA damage

DNA damage, due to environmental factors and normal metabolic processes inside the cell, occurs at a rate of 1,000 to 1,000,000 molecular lesions per cell per day.While this constitutes only 0.000165% of the human genome's approximately 6 billion bases (3 billion base pairs), unrepaired lesions in critical genes (such as tumor suppressor genes) can impede a cell's ability to carry out its function and appreciably increase the likelihood of tumor formation.
The vast majority of DNA damage affects the primary structure of the double helix; that is, the bases themselves are chemically modified. These modifications can in turn disrupt the molecules' regular helical structure by introducing non-native chemical bonds or bulky adducts that do not fit in the standard double helix. Unlike proteins and RNA, DNA usually lacks tertiary structure and therefore damage or disturbance does not occur at that level. DNA is, however, supercoiled and wound around "packaging" proteins called histones (in eukaryotes), and both superstructures are vulnerable to the effects of DNA damage